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Ukrainian IT industry during the war: how it survives?


3 minues

How Ukrainian IT survives during the war

The war affected all spheres of life, though we sometimes hear that some are beyond politics. Impossible. So how did it influence the tech industry?

It boosted the sphere. IT companies became a great support for Ukraine in the war: they donate enormous amounts to the army, develop software that helps during the war, and increased the export of IT services abroad.

In 2022 the IT industry brought $6 billion in export revenue to the Ukrainian economy and achieved 10% growth compared to the previous year.

From the first days of the war, IT companies transferred more than ₴1 billion to the accounts of charitable funds, and for weapons, equipment, drones, and other necessary instrumentation.

The Ukrainian IT industry also has international support. For example, a non-profit organization Tech To The Rescue from Poland gathered volunteers and European companies to provide IT support. This initiative helps financially and also technically — to counter russian cyberattacks.

Tech giants have allocated more than $130 million for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Google uses its resources to protect Ukrainian government institutions from DDoS attacks. Microsoft quickly detected and blocked malware used in cyberattacks on Ukrainian resources. And it is only a small part of the help.

We believe that tech is also a creative industry. There are no such problems that it can’t handle. Blackouts, poor internet connection, or other issues won’t stop it from working for the common good. So there are challenges that the industry faces and deal with.


Relocation is a trend in the market that intensified a month or two before a full-scale invasion. Many companies moved their teams to other countries as soon as everyone understood the real possibility of the war. Businesses that haven’t done it then — helped employees and their families move to quieter regions of Ukraine later.

We aren’t exceptions. We help our colleagues to get to a safer place, so they could focus more on work.

Mixed teams

To make sure that the tasks are done on time, there is a practice to create mixed teams. We select specialists for the project located both in Ukraine and abroad. In this way, the client and we can be sure that power outages will not influence the result. There is always someone who can cover the task.


But it’s all more about precaution and employees’ safety. There is a solution for those who stay in Ukraine and has to work somehow during blackouts. We’ve installed generators in our offices and also compensate a coworking for those who work remotely. So our team works stable.

Poor connection

During a power outage, there’s also a problem with the internet. The best solutions to it are fiber-optic cable and Starlink. Starlink provides you with the internet, and optical fiber ensures it is fast and reliable. That scheme we use in our offices so that our work remains productive.


Last but not least is security. Since an informational war takes place and the number of cyberattacks worldwide is increasing, you should pay extra attention to security. You can discover more about it from our article. Besides securing infrastructure and projects, we also use VPNs in Europe to protect our data.

A bit of inspiration

The IT industry in Ukraine has changed, but since it is the most developed and reliable sphere, we only can continue to move forward. That is why we adapt to the conditions to ensure our stable work. We aim to provide our services at an even greater level.

It is important that foreign clients continue to support Ukraine, and conclude and extend contracts. So if you’re interested in getting quality Ukrainian IT services and helping the industry prosper, reach out to us via Explore our site to find out how we can be useful to your business 😇

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